butt baby (noun)

  1. a fetus conceived anally.
  2. an individual that was born into a toilet.
  3. someone with an absolutely ridiculous name.
  4. one who contributes nothing positive to society.
  5. any combination of the above.




Glenn Beck is one of the most well-known butt babies. He's famous for his fear-monger tactics, over-inflated ego, and his willingness to mislead people into thinking Fox News is actual news. A little-known fact about Glenn Beck is that he was born into a toilet at Burger King, however his fetus head was approximately 90% the size of his adult head. This means that even though his mother attempted to flush him, his head was too large and he could not be successfully disposed of. In addition to his massive noggin in the image above, also note his piglet fingers. Allegedly, his mother was impregnated by a wild boar.



An artist's rendition depicting how butt babies are made.



Chone Figgins: The original butt baby